Concerto for COVID-19 modelling

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Concerto for COVID-19 modelling

The COVID-19 pandemic presents huge challenges to all Australians. Concerto software can aid in having a positive impact on Australia’s response to, and recovery from, the COVID-19 pandemic. The Concerto software is designed to model disruption to business teams, businesses, government and markets.

All organisations need to understand the key drivers of outcomes and what levers to pull. Concerto modelling is designed to test the impact of those levers in a clear way that can be visually and quantifiably communicated to all levels of an organisation. Concerto’s constraint-based scenario modelling capability allows current and future state options to be tested and evaluated before they go into action.

The Concerto software has recently been used to proactively manage higher education’s response to the Coronavirus and its impact on the people and the organisation (see figure below).

Concerto has local (and international) partners in the health care services sector amongst many other sectors too that are utilising the Concerto software to support risk management and test multiple COVID-19 and beyond COVID-19 scenarios.

In the Healthcare sector specifically, Concerto can be applied to:

  • Assess capacity and constraint loads on treatment paths (triage) options for coronavirus patients with primary care and hospital settings
  • Case load management
  • Model hospital operational and confinement space for safe doctor and nurse requirements
  • Inventory management of medical equipment, test kits (infection rates and immunity levels), protective clothing, masks, beds and ventilator requirements,
  • Benchmark treatment options and success rates by location/ facility
  • Provide live data (say daily) across the health care and hospital system to ensure visibility and that sound decisions are being made
  • Model and assess potential future state scenarios options such as the utilisation of tele-health to free up capacity and
  • Modelling the impact of the virus on community homes, schools, businesses and government bodies including development of recovery plans and scenarios

Concerto is an analytics platform designed to help solve complex problems with multiple layered decision-making options and help communicate those decisions and actions visually, simply and in an understood manner to individuals, groups, communities and workforces.

Concerto and our Partners will continue to help and support the flattening out and recovery from COVID-19.

Stephen Willams is co-owner and CEO of Concerto Analytics, a technology company that improves their clients business performance. His blogs cover a wide range of topics from software to organisational business dynamics and relationship management.